Conditions of shipment

All the information about the conditions of shipment of Yopongoelhielo: terms, tariffs, countries ...
  • How long will it take for my order to reach its destination?

    Orders leave our warehouse on weekdays (Monday to Friday except holidays). If you have placed your order before 12:00 a.m., it will be on the same day and it will take between 24 and 48 working hours. If you do it after 12:00 a.m., the order will leave the next day and therefore may take a day.


    • If you place an order on a Tuesday at 10:00 am, it will arrive on Wednesday or Thursday whenever it is not a holiday.

    • If you place an order on a Tuesday at 2:00 p.m., it will arrive on Thursday or Friday whenever it is not a holiday.

    • If you place an order on a Friday at 10:00, the order will leave on Friday and will arrive on Monday or Tuesday (if they are not holidays).

    • If you place an order on a Friday at 2:00 p.m., the order will leave on Monday and will arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday (if not holidays).


    • For international orders, to the Canary Islands or the Balearic Islands delivery times can be extended.
    • Certain very heavy products, such as packs of beer, soft drinks or cider, are shipped on a special pallet due to their weight and can take up to 72 hours. We will indicate this period on the product sheet for these products.
    • In special period like Black Friday or Christmas time, the delivery time may increase slightly due to the overload of work in the courier companies. 

  • Do you deliver on a weekend? And on holidays?

    We do not ship with delivery neither on holidays nor on weekends.

  • How much are the shipping costs?

    Shipping costs vary depending on the delivery address and the amount of the order.

    Delivery in Spain:

    • Peninsula:

      • If the order exceeds 150 € the shipping costs are FREE

      • If the order contains one or more of our On the Rocks Products the shipping costs are FREE
      • If the order is less than 150 € the shipping costs are 4.95€

    • Balearic Islands, Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla:

    Shipping is not free and depends on the weight and destination of the order.

    To know exactly how much your order would cost, you must register and add a delivery address. From that moment, the system will calculate the postage automatically, updating itself with any change in your cart.

    Shipping outside Spain:

    We ship to all countries of the European Union and also Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, Liechtenstein and other countries where you can import alcoholic beverages. In this case the postage is not free and depends on the weight and destination of the order.

    To know exactly how much your order would cost you must register and add a delivery address. From that moment, the system will calculate the postage automatically, updating itself with any change in your cart.

  • I placed an order, but I forgot some bottles. Can I expand it to save me the shipping costs?

    If we have not sent your order yet, we can offer you an extension. This way you save the shipping costs of the second order and if together you exceed € 150 we can offer you the free shipping costs for orders from Spain peninsula.

    The maximum time to request an extension is before 14:00 pm.

    Contact us using the method you prefer and we will see how we can help you:

  • How do you pack the orders? The bottles are usually made of glass ...

    We know that our merchandise is very delicate, so we treat it with the maximum possible care and we try to protect it to avoid any possible breakage.

    All our bottles are separated from each other by cardboard or by bubbles and are packed inside cardboard boxes sealed with our logo so that you can check the integrity of the package and know that it has not become open.

  • The transport agency has called me telling me that my order has been broken or lost ... Now what?

    It is not usual, but in case of breakage of your order please contact us using the method you prefer:

    We will contact the agency to confirm how many products have been broken. Depending on the case we can offer you these solutions:

    • Partial delivery of the rest of the order with a refund of the broken products

    • Partial delivery of the rest of the order and return of the broken products without any charge for the customer

    • Full forwarding of the order

    • Complete cancellation of the order


    • We will not acept any broken claim after 14 days after the delivery of the order. If the delivery is made by pallet, it's necesary write in the delivery note what is broken.

    • In order to process the breakage we will need the following elements, required by the courier company to proceed with the payment: 
      • Photos or videos of the breakage
      • Remains of the breakage: broken bottles and packaging material
      • Photos of packaging material and shipping label: essential for observing whether the packaging has been tampered with after leaving our warehouses
    • For orders which destination would be from outside Spain, we reserve the right to reimburse the damaged or lost merchandise according to the payment method originally used instead of resending it. Under no circumstances will shipping costs be reimbursed.

  • Do you ship to PO Box addresses?

    Unfortunately not. Currently we do not offer shipping services to PO Box addresses, as we must verify that the recipient is of legal age.

  • Can I pick up my product in your store?

    If you live at Malaga, you should make an order at our web with a shipping address of Málaga. In that case, when you'll be finishing your order, you can choose "Recogida en Almacén". Once finished, you can come to our warehouse when we tell you that your order is ready to be delivered.
    If you live elsewhere, we can offer to make a pick-up at the Tipsa or ASM / GLS agency that is closest to your home.

  • My order is at customs. What can I do now?

    Most of the orders go throug customs without any problem but, if your order has been stopped by customs, Yopongoelhielo does not take care of the fees that you can ask. In this case, you can: 
    • Pay the fees and your order will be delivered.
    • Leave the order in customs 

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